Saturday, December 15, 2012

37.5K service

This time it's not just oil check, but let's start from under the vehicle pictures.

Left front wheel

6R0 423 156 B - hydraulic pump with electric motor

1K0 965 561 L - additional water pump

6Q0 199 851 BD - support
See oil stream?

Drive shaft with constant velocity joints

6Q0 407 272 DL - drive shaft with constant velocity joints

Left rear wheel

Right rear wheel
After oil filter and plug was replaced, we did throttle cleaning. From what I saw I will recommend do that every 2 years or 30K. You will also need to do unit adaptation after cleaning that can be done with VAG-COM cable and VCDS application that you can get for less than 200 NIS (from China). More later about VAG tool.

03F 133 062 - throttle body magneti marelli

03F 133 062 - throttle body top view

Intake manifold view hole
Now, there is not a lot of dust but it there.

And this is after cleaning

What else... Spark plugs!
Looks fine. Light red color on them cause of fuel mixture - 95 and 98 - that's okay. What is not okay is white rust. This is from my engine wash :-) Next time I will hide it.
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 3
Cylinder 4

All together

And we also changed brake fluid but in Israel style - with help of gravity :-)
Remember to change it every 2 years!

Total work cost about 350 NIS, thanks to Husam again.

Endoscopy video is not ready yet and I don't know if somebody except me needs it, so probably will skip it this time.

Change brake fluid, PDF Eng
Removing and installing the throttle valve control unit -J338-, PDF Eng
Clean throttle valve control unit -J338-, PDF Eng

37 700km | 1Y 12M

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