Saturday, March 3, 2012

Changing wheels around

Today I went to change wheels around. Here is the quote from manual ("Wheels and Tyres", p.175)
Changing wheels around
If significantly greater wear is present on the front tyres, we recommend changing the front wheels around with the rear wheels. You will then obtain approximately the same life for all the tyres.
It may be advantageous to swap the tyres over “crosswise” when certain types of wear characteristic arise on the running surface of the tyres (but not in the case of unidirectional tyres). Specialist garages are familiar with details.
We recommend that you change the wheels around every 10 000 km in order to achieve even wear on all wheels and to obtain optimal tyre life.
The more important than doing this is to replace tyres one in 2-3 years. Because as time passes they are drying, even if your tyres looks ok. Dry tyre means longer stopping distance, worse road grip and so on.

So... I decide to do this recommendation, odometer says 20 kkm. And I decided not "crosswise" but "swap front and back" - easy version ;-) I got second lifting jack from a friend a day before.

Procedure (refer to manual's "Breakdown assistance" for details)
1. Pull off all bolt caps with plastic clip.
2. Slackening wheel bolts a bit, do not remove.
3. Jack up the vehicle until the wheel is clear of the ground.
4. Unscrew bolts and place them on a clean surface.
5. Take off the wheel (better with gloves).

Before cleaning

With RIM7 Wheel Cleaner and Mothers Wheel Brush I cleaned calipers and wheels from inside.
After cleaning

Wheels were dirty too.
Before cleaning
These are Atria wheels, that have code 5J0 601 025 B, but in accessories catalog they have another code CCH 700 006 donno why. More detail photos
Part code and details

Manufacture date is November 2010

Made in Czech Republic

AlSi7Mg alloy
Now when wheel is clean and dry, I applied Poorboy's Wheel Sealant and went to remove front wheel. After cleaning caliper, I fitted clean wheel.
1. Fit on wheel, tighten the wheel bolts slightly
2. Lower the car
3. Tighten the wheel bolts firmly, alternately and diagonally using the wrench
4. Insert caps onto the bolts

The front caliper
After cleaning
It took me 1.5 hour to replace right side and then I saw that rain is coming :-( That was expected from weather forecast but it was sunny when I started :-) Will continue tomorrow morning.

Important to know
- If you replace only 2 tyres, always put new on the back, check video New tires Front or Rear.

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