Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wax and first photo session

Waxing was very easy. You just follow the instructions.
Wash and dry vehicle. Shake well. Pour product onto sponge applicator. Spread a thin, even coat over entire vehicle. Allow product to dry to a haze (about 3-5 minutes). Fold the microfiber cloth, using one side to remove excess polish from the car's finish. Turn cloth over and lightly buff to a high gloss shine. Use was sparingly.
If you can't wax right after wash, it ok. But try to do that on same day - just run over with a bit of water, clean and dry. Start from the roof, finish anywhere. Break vehicle for logical parts like roof, back, left side, right and front. It was my first time waxing, I spent there about 2 hours :-) Next time it will be much faster.

Link to the album.

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